Putting Forward Sustainability as a Model for Journalism Education and Training

African journalism practice presents unique opportunities and challenges that require journalists to be equipped with the necessary skills, knowledge, and values to engage in sustainable journalism. In the context of this submission, the present study investigates the current state of sustainable journalism in Africa. We examined data based on a syllabi analysis of journalism programs in Kenya, South Africa and Ghana to appraise what role sustainable journalism education and training could play in Africa.

Understanding why educational professionals engage with podcasts: Educational Podcasts Motivational Scale development and validation

Educational podcasts are gaining traction, but research on them is limited. This study analyzed the motivational factors driving educators to listen to and recommend educational podcasts through the Educational Podcasts Motivation Scale. Analyzing responses from 606 education professionals, the research identified five key motivational factors and validated the scale’s psychometric properties.

“Bones are life!” true-crime podcasting, self-promotion and the vernaculars of Instagram with Cult Liter

Social media engagement is becoming a significant part of true-crime fandom, providing spaces for true-crime fans to share their knowledge and obsessions. This article explores the storytelling techniques of the Cult Liter podcast and how the listeners engage with these stories on the associated Instagram account. Rather than engaging with the implications of violent crime, fans of Cult Liter on Instagram instead engage in self-promotion, like seeking behavior and in-group validation

Hooked on audio! Unveiling the secrets of podcast stickiness through social identity and uses and gratification theories

The study examined factors contributing to audience loyalty to podcasts, integrating social identity theory and uses and gratification theory. Results revealed that most creator characteristics and both entertaining and narrative nature of podcast content significantly influence audience loyalty. However, multitasking aspect of podcasts did not considerably affect audience stickiness. The findings offer insights into increasing audience loyalty in digital audio media.

Calling for ‘Podo-gogy’: why podcasting needs to be a part of journalism education in India

Sneha Gore Mehendale’s research argues for the inclusion of podcasting in Indian journalism curricula. Through 24 interviews with podcasting journalists and educators, she identified a gap in training, despite the growing prominence of news podcasting in India. The study emphasizes that incorporating podcasting into academic programs will enhance the profession’s relevancy and align with the evolving norms of journalism.

Defining the podcast ecosystem in Turkey and Serbia through listener habits

The academic study analyses podcasting behaviours in developing countries like Serbia and Turkey, focusing on audience tendencies and demographics. Findings from a survey of 923 podcast listeners showed that while podcasts are part of Serbian visual culture, Turkish listeners have fully adopted the format. Serbian audiences are more demographically diverse, indicating a wider audience reach.

How radio influences indigenous language podcasts in South Africa: A case study of Epokothweni and iLukuluku

The rise of indigenous language podcasts, like Epokothweni and iLukuluku, is changing the media game for black South Africans. These platforms tap into the country’s rich radio history, allowing historically marginalized communities to share stories and engage with socio-economic and scientific topics in a sector typically dominated by English-language media.