
Welcome to the Podcast Studies website. These pages are part of the ongoing work to develop approaches to the study of podcasting. The site aims to share and promote the work of an expanding group of international academics and practitioners with an interest in podcasting. This work reaches beyond academic study into how podcasting can be taught or used as a means to publish research.
We held our first in-person event in 2023 and have ambitions to grow this both in-person and online, alongside our PhD Network and their online symposia. Our publications page is a collection of work published in podcast studies that we hope will assist researchers in discovering new work. We add as many as we can and aim to maintain the original publication date, so do scroll through as we may have added new (but older) papers. At the moment, we are focused on work published since 2021. For a fully comprehensive archive, Nele Heise has compiled a highly detailed Google Document of podcast studies, articles, guides, and websites.
We also repost relevant calls for papers. We don’t claim ownership of any of these, and we share in the spirit of building a network; all queries should be directed to the relevant publishers and organisers, but do let us know if there are things that we should know.
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