COVID-19 brought U.S. sports to an abrupt halt. As leagues struggled to find a path forward, so did sports podcasters, who had to find content to satisfy listeners and advertisers
Political podcasts have captured a global audience and emerged as an important inno- vation space in journalism. One of the most popular formats is the ‘extended interview podcast’. This study employs conversation analysis to examine how this format has been used to facilitate more personal and informal encounters between journalists and pol- iticians who are usually associated with the accountability news interview. BBC Radio 4’s podcast ‘Political Thinking with Nick Robinson’ is used as a case study.
African journalism practice presents unique opportunities and challenges that require journalists to be equipped with the necessary skills, knowledge, and values to engage in sustainable journalism. In the context of this submission, the present study investigates the current state of sustainable journalism in Africa. We examined data based on a syllabi analysis of journalism programs in Kenya, South Africa and Ghana to appraise what role sustainable journalism education and training could play in Africa.
Jill Martin, Kaci Richter ABSTRACT Audio programs such as Planet Money (National Public Radio), Marketplace (American Public Media) and others have carved out niches among audiences across the United States and world. This chapter explores the strengths of audio as a…
The “Media and Communication” journal has announced a call for articles for its upcoming issue titled “Balancing Intimacy and Trust: Opportunities and Risks in Audio Journalism”. The issue will broadly explore the rapidly changing forms of audio journalism, including the rise of podcasting. Deadlines for abstract and article submissions are 1-15 March 2024, and 15-31 July 2024, respectively.
Sneha Gore Mehendale’s research argues for the inclusion of podcasting in Indian journalism curricula. Through 24 interviews with podcasting journalists and educators, she identified a gap in training, despite the growing prominence of news podcasting in India. The study emphasizes that incorporating podcasting into academic programs will enhance the profession’s relevancy and align with the evolving norms of journalism.
The rise of indigenous language podcasts, like Epokothweni and iLukuluku, is changing the media game for black South Africans. These platforms tap into the country’s rich radio history, allowing historically marginalized communities to share stories and engage with socio-economic and scientific topics in a sector typically dominated by English-language media.
A collection of selected essays will cover the various aspects of the issues surrounding the transformation of journalistic publishing and the integration of tools and forms of sound storytelling that are more sustainable and attractive to tomorrow’s audiences
This article empirically identifies and conceptualises listener expectations of podcast hosts based on a general and open research question concerning which expectations podcast listeners have for podcast hosts
News podcasters, predominantly male, middle-aged, and academically educated without journalistic experience, shape mass media discourse, a study across Austria, Germany, and Switzerland reveals. They emphasize education, information, and entertainment, aligning closely with their audiences’ preferences. Meanwhile, monetization strategies remain underutilized. This research illuminates news podcasters’ unique roles and values in the evolving media landscape.