Peeling the Pod

Tzlil Sharon (2023) Peeling the pod: towards a research agenda for podcast studies, Annals of the International Communication Association, DOI: 10.1080/23808985.2023.2201593


This article explores how the notion of podcast studies came about and questions its future among well-established media fields. Through a close reading of various definitions given to the term podcast in the formative years of its academic institutionalization, a first-time classification of the central traditions in podcast studies is proposed and critically discussed. This theoretical typology – whereby ‘podcast’ is understood as a technological, socio-cultural, or formalistic concept – draws attention to the complexities and limitations in justifying the very idea of studying podcasting as an autonomous media field. The critical meta-review leads to six research avenues that can make podcasting uniquely meaningful and innovative in wider contexts of media theory, such as sound studies, digital archiving, and everyday studies.

Photo by Maria Petersson on Unsplash