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Crowd Pleasers: Exploring Motivations and Measures of Success among Independent Sports Podcasters

Matthew P. Taylor

This study augments seminal podcasting literature by exploring the motivations of independent sports podcasters specifically. The study’s in-depth interviews produced findings that are consistent with prior research about the value of listener feedback, relationships, and a sense of community; however, new considerations are introduced including the ease of podcasting from both a technological perspective and a creative perspective. The findings contradict recent research suggesting that podcasters are becoming more focused on money and are therefore treating their creative efforts as a form of employment rather than leisure. Suggestions for future research include a focus on the use of livestream technology.

Matthew P. Taylor (2023) Crowd Pleasers: Exploring Motivations and Measures of Success among Independent Sports Podcasters, Journal of Radio & Audio Media, DOI: 10.1080/19376529.2022.2143775