Calling for ‘Podo-gogy’: why podcasting needs to be a part of journalism education in India

Sneha Gore Mehendale’s research argues for the inclusion of podcasting in Indian journalism curricula. Through 24 interviews with podcasting journalists and educators, she identified a gap in training, despite the growing prominence of news podcasting in India. The study emphasizes that incorporating podcasting into academic programs will enhance the profession’s relevancy and align with the evolving norms of journalism.

Defining the podcast ecosystem in Turkey and Serbia through listener habits

The academic study analyses podcasting behaviours in developing countries like Serbia and Turkey, focusing on audience tendencies and demographics. Findings from a survey of 923 podcast listeners showed that while podcasts are part of Serbian visual culture, Turkish listeners have fully adopted the format. Serbian audiences are more demographically diverse, indicating a wider audience reach.

Producing podcasts in the UAE: Exploring storytelling structures

In the United Arab Emirates (UAE), the podcast community thrives with stories ranging from tech, culture and music to Middle East affairs, hosted by a diverse group of expatriates and local Emiratis. This study investigates the burgeoning podcast landscape in UAE, examining content creators’ motivations, challenges and opportunities in this emerging media space.