Peer Reviewed Podcasts
Sound, Music, & Communications Editor Robin James seeks proposals from scholars in those fields for Palgrave’s first peer-reviewed podcasts.
Proposed podcast projects can be research-focused, designed for classroom use, and/or experimental works combining scholarly and creative research. They will be published on a freemium model (i.e., some free content, some paywalled content). In addition to peer review, another advantage of publishing a podcast with Palgrave is that your work’s ongoing existence isn’t at the whim of platforms: it will be in scholarly libraries for as long as such things exist.
Proposals should be either about topics in sound, music, & communications scholarship and/or by scholars working in those fields. I am also open to proposals for podcasts about podcasting and podcast research.
Initial submissions should include:
● A 500-ish word description of the podcast’s topic. What is it, why does it matter, and how does your project further a research, teaching, or service aim in your field?
● An outline of each section including a brief abstract of what each episode, and in turn each section within the episode, does/discusses.
● If you have done podcasting work in the past, links to some examples of this work would be helpful. If chosen for further consideration, you will be asked for a 5-10 minute sample of the podcast project you are proposing, but such material is not necessary for an initial expression of interest.
● Producer CVs
● A brief discussion of how you will produce the podcast.
Please send submissions as Word/Gdoc or PDF files to robin.james@palgrave-usa.com; any questions can also be directed to that email address. This is a rolling deadline but I would like to start making decisions about the first round of podcast projects on 15 July 2023.