The Routledge Companion to Radio and Podcast Studies
Possibly the first major book with “Podcast Studies” in the title!
This comprehensive companion is a much-needed reference source for the expanding field of radio, audio, and podcast study, taking readers through a diverse range of essays examining the core questions and key debates surrounding radio practices, technologies, industries, policies, resources, histories, and relationships with audiences. Drawing together original essays from well-established and emerging scholars to conceptualize this multidisciplinary field, this book’s global perspective
Podcasting Chapters include:Tiziano Bonini - Podcasting as a Hybrid Cultural Form Between Old and New Media
Britta Jorgensen and Mia Lindgren – ‘Pause and reflect’ – practice-as-research methods in radio and podcast studies
Siobhan McHugh – From Phoebe’s Fall to The Last Voyage of the Pong Su: How an Australian Newspaper Made Hit Narrative Podcasts
Toni Sellas and Maria Gutierrez – Podcasting and Journalism in the Spanish-Speaking World
Alyn M. Euritt – Podcasting’s Transmedia Liveness
Neroli Price – Can True Crime Podcasts Make Structural Violence Audible?
Richard Berry – What is a podcast? Mapping the technical, cultural, and sonic boundaries between radio and podcasting
Dario Llinares – ‘Podcast Studies’ and its Techno-Social Discourses
Marta Perrotta – From Niche to Mainstream: The Emergence of a Podcasting Culture and Market in the Italian Radio Context
Here’s the link: